Pickleball One Logo



Table of contents

Serve targets will spawn on the opposite side of the court. Score points by serving into the targets. Target types can be changed in the pause menu.

  • Target Selection: Choose from four training options: Freestyle Serve, Deep Driven Shot, Deep Lob, and Side Spin.
  • Length Selection: Select the duration of your training session with three options: Number of Balls, Endless, or Time Limit.

Targets will spawn on the opposite side of the court. It is your job to hit the ball from the baseline into the target

  • Target Selection: Choose between a single or multiple selection of options: Lob, Drop, and Drive.
  • Length Selection: Select the duration of your training session with three options: Number of Balls, Endless, or Time Limit.

Targets will spawn on the opposite side of the court. Your job is to hit the ball from the volley line into the touch targets.

  • Target Selection: Choose between a single or multiple selection of options: Dink, Volley, Overhead.
  • Length Selection: Select the duration of your training session with three options: Number of Balls, Endless, or Time Limit.

You will be given the third shot in a rally, to score points you need to return this shot and hit the current court target

  • Target Selection: Choose between a single or multiple selection of options: Drop and Drive.
  • Length Selection: Select the duration of your training session with three options: Number of Balls, Endless, or Time Limit.

At the end of each training session, a screen will appear, providing you with the option to review your summary and detailed statistics.


After completing the current training session, a display will present your accuracy and precision statistics.

  • Display Filters: Multi-selection section enabling users to choose which visual statistics they want to view after the current training session.
  • Hit Side: Indicates the side from which the user hits the ball.
    • Both – Displays results from both sides.
    • LeftDisplays balls hit from the left side of the court.
    • RightDisplays balls hit from the right side of the court.
  • Target Hit (Freestyle Serve): Indicates if a ball hit landed in our out of bounds.
    • AllDisplays a visual representation of all balls hit during the current training exercise.
    • InDisplays a visual representation of all balls that landed in.
    • Out – Displays a visual representation of all balls that landed out.
  • Target Hit (Drive, Lob, Spin): Indicates precision of shots that land within a certain highlighted zone.
    • PerfectHit precisely within the highlighted area.
    • Good Hit within a reasonable section of the highlighted area.
    • Just Inside Almost missed the highlighted area, but still within it.
    • Missed Did not hit the highlighted area.
  • Display Settings: Visual representation of balls hit during the current training session.
    • BothShows a visual representation of both the path and bounce location of the ball.
    • Trajectory LineDisplays the path the ball takes from the point of impact to where it lands.
    • Bounce LocationDisplays the exact spot where the ball bounces on the court.
  • Shot Statistics (Freestyle Serve): Statistics indicating the current session progress, and all-time progress for “freestyle serve”.
    • In – Number of balls that landed within the legal boundaries.
    • Out  Number of balls that landed outside the legal boundaries.
    • Overall NumberShows the ratio of balls hit in to the total balls hit.
    • Session AccuracyPercentage ratio of balls hit in compared to total balls hit during the session.
    • Expected AccuracyExpected percentage ratio based on previous attempts and training skill level.
    • Skill LevelIndicates your proficiency at a particular training exercise.
  • Shot Statistics (Drive, Lob, Spin): Statistics indicating the current session progress, and all-time progress for baseline training.
    • PerfectHit precisely within the highlighted area.
    • Good Hit within a reasonable section of the highlighted area.
    • Just Inside Almost missed the highlighted area, but still within it.
    • Missed Did not hit the highlighted area.
    • Overall Number – Shows the ratio of balls hit in to the total balls hit.
    • Session AccuracyPercentage ratio of balls hit in compared to total balls hit during the session.
    • Expected AccuracyExpected percentage ratio based on previous attempts and training skill level.
    • Skill LevelIndicates your proficiency at a particular training exercise.
Area displaying awards and training progression.
  • Level Progress: A bar that shows your current progress in the training activity.
  • Awards (Serve): Visual display of awards earned and in progress for particular training session.
    • This sessionAwards earned during the current session.
    • To Be Completed Progress on tasks and rewards that are yet to be completed.
    • CompleteTasks and rewards that have been fully completed.
  • Current Status: Progression within a particular training excercise.
    • Total PointsTotal points earned across all training activities.
    • ProgressPercentage of overall progress in the training.
    • Skills Diagram illustrating skill levels across various categories, including serves, returns, third shots, dinks, volleys, overheads, drives, drops, and lobs.