
The Pickleball One Lightning Singles Tournament March 9th-10th, 2024

Tournament Details – Registration NOW OPEN!

Playin Games proudly presents the Pickleball One Lightning Singles Tournament , an online VR pickleball tournament for players of all skills and abilities.

This tournament is held over the weekend of March 9th and 10th and is capped at 24 participants with a waiting list for additional players.

A special note about the format of the tournament:

  • This will be a singles tournament (1v1).
  • The match team winner is determined by the first player to reach 11 points in a single game.
  • We will be running a parallel “Competitive” and “Fun” stream for the tournament, allowing users to choose which they participate in.
Register today!


Free and open to all Pickleball One owners.


This is an online tournament.


Registration Deadline:

  • March 7th, 12:00PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Tournament Dates:

  • Round Robin: Saturday March 9th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm (Eastern Standard Time)
  • Finals: Sunday March 10th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 5:00pm (Eastern Standard Time)


Sign up requirements:

  • Pickleball One for Meta Quest (purchase here if you do not have it yet)
  • A free Discord account, and a member on the Pickleball One Discord server (also free).
  • Availability on Saturday March 9th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm (Eastern Standard Time).
  • Availability on Sunday March 10th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 5:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) if you qualify for the quarter-finals.
  • A fully charged Meta Quest 2, 3, or Meta Quest Pro headset.
  • Internet – participants must have a reliable high-speed wireless internet connection in their home (minimum 20Mbps download, 5Mbps upload). It is also recommended to reduce network bandwidth consumption on your network when you’re playing your games (such as watching Netflix on other devices).
  • By registering for this tournament, you are confirming that you are aware of our privacy policy and have read the Health and Safety warning that came with your Meta Quest 2, 3, or Meta Quest Pro headsets.

Match Format

  • This will be a singles tournament (1v1).
  • The match team winner is determined by the first player to reach 11 points in a single game.
  • We will be running a parallel “Competitive” and “Fun” stream for the tournament, allowing users to choose which they participate in.
  • In-Game Physics Difficulty: Normal, and Pro settings are valid options for players to choose from.
  • In-Game Movement: Auto-Teleport, Auto-Run, and Manual Movement are valid options for players to choose from.
  • In-Game Scene Location: Decided by Game Host

Scheduling and Tournament Format

Schedule and times are subject to change.

Saturday March 9th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm (Eastern Standard Time)
Round Robin Competition (all players play each other within their randomly assigned group)

  • 1:00pm – Round 1: Match
  • 1:20pm – (rest and charge headset)
  • 1:30pm – Round 2: Match
  • 1:50pm – (rest and charge headset)
  • 2:00pm – Round 3: Match
  • 2:20pm – (rest and charge headset)
  • 2:30pm – Round 4: Match
  • 2:50pm – (rest and charge headset)
  • 3:00pm – Round 5: Match
  • 3:30pm – Finish

Saturday March 9th, 2024 – 1:00pm – 3:30pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Quarter-Finals, Semi-Finals, and Finals

  • 1:00pm-5:00pm – Schedule and format to be determined.

All time are in Eastern Standard Time.

Prize Details

Since we are running two streams for the tournament, we will have different prizes for the winners of each.

  • “Competitive” Tier Prizes
    • First Place Prize: $75 Amazon Gift Card for each teammate and a Tournament Winner badge for their Discord profiles.
    • Second Place Prize: $35 Amazon Gift card for each teammate and a Tournament Finalist badge for their Discord profiles. Second place is determined by reaching Finals.
    • Third Place Prize: $20 Amazon Gift Card for each teammate, and a Tournament Semi-Finalist badge for their Discord profiles. Third place is determined by point differential in the Semi-Finals.
  • “Fun” Tier Prizes
    • First Place Prize: $15 Amazon Gift Card and a “Fun” Tournament Winner badge for their Discord profiles.
    • Second Place Prize: $10 Amazon Gift card and a “Fun” Tournament Finalist badge for their Discord profiles. Second place is determined by reaching Finals.
    • Third Place Prize: $5 Amazon Gift Card, and a “Fun” Tournament Semi-Finalist badge for their Discord profiles.
  • All participants will receive a special Tournament Participant badge for their Discord profile that reflects the highest level they have reached in the tournament (Participant, Quarter-Finalist, Semi-Finalist, Finalist, Winner.

Note: Pickleball One organizers reserve the right to alter or substitute prizes at their discretion.

Additional Details

    • Q: Do I need a Discord account to participate in this tournament?
    • A: Yes, this tournament uses the Pickleball One Discord server as the primary communication channel between players and organizers.

    • Q: I have registered, but the date that was selected doesn’t work for me OR something came up and I can’t play some or all of my games. Can I substitute myself or my partner for someone else?
    • Failure to report to your match will result in a forfeit.

    • Q: What happens if the host doesn’t show up and we can’t start the match?
    • A: If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has passed, the host will forfeit the match with a minimal point differential (the score for the match will be 11-9 in favor of the non-host team). Report this situation to the Discord match thread.

    • Q: What happens if a player drops out of the match due to unforeseen circumstances, like a headset issue, internet connectivity issue, etc.
    • A: Stop playing immediately. A bot will substitute for the disconnected non-host player. If the bot is currently serving, the bot’s teammate must lose the serve in order to stop play. Wait for five minutes for the disconnected player to reconnect and continue play. If the disconnected player does not return, the host must take a screenshot of the scoreboard Report the score and screenshot to the Discord match thread. If the host is the one to disconnect, all players will be returned to lobby. If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has not passed yet, the host will reform the room and start again. If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has passed, the host will forfeit the match with a minimal point differential (the score for the games of that match will be 11-9 in favor of the non-offending team). Report this situation to the Discord match thread.

    • Q: Since this is a Round Robin tournament (everyone plays everyone else) how are ties decided if two or more teams get the same number of wins and losses?
    • A: In the event that two or more players have the same number of Wins and Losses, a tie break will be decided by total point differential.

    • Q: Why are game defaults due to missed matches or connection issues calculated with a “minimal point differential?” What does that mean?
    • A: Since tie-breaks are decided by point differential (difference between points earned and points lost to other teams), we will not over-punish or over-benefit teams that have a connection drop or a person who cannot show up to play due to unforeseen circumstances. This approach addresses those situations as fairly as possible.

    • Q: Ugh! We were winning and the losing team disconnected (“Rage Quit”) so we would not get a larger point differential.
    • A: This is difficult to prove in an online environment. Always take screenshots of your scoreboard in the event of a disconnect and assume the best intentions of other players. Record your match if you are still concerned about this happening.
    • Q: I don’t like the court that the host chose for our match – I want the (insert preferred court) instead!
      • A: We are allowing the host to select which location they wish to play the match. If there is an accessibility requirement and you cannot play in the host’s chosen court, please report this situation to the Discord match thread.
  • Support “Good Sport” Etiquette / Fair Play / Integrity. Should you run into misconduct, record video of the incident and report to the Pickleball One Assistant to the Community Manager. Individuals found to be in severe breach of the Code of Conduct will have their team disqualified and may find themselves banned from registering for future tournaments. This includes “Rage Quitting” or being rude to your opponents or team mates. This is a fun and friendly tournament.
  • Each team member must have their headset fully charged and their internet connectivity stable. 
  • Communication about matches between teams of a match will be done via the Pickleball One Discord Server
  • All registered players must be present by no later than 15 minutes past the start of their scheduled match or risk forfeiting the match.
  • If in the event of a player disconnect, stop play as soon as possible and wait for five minutes for the disconnected player to return. Take a screenshot of the scoreboard. Do not continue playing with the substituted bot. If after 5 minutes the player does not return, the host will take a screenshot of the current scoreboard and submit to the appropriate Discord match thread. Any remaining games not played will be awarded to the non-disconnecting team with a minimal point differential (e.g. the score for the missed games of that match will be 11-9 in favor of the team that did not have a disconnect).
  • Teams that do not play their match to completion and/or fail to submit their match scores on time to the appropriate Discord match thread under the  #tournament channel will result in the tournament organizers randomly assigning a winner for the round with a minimal point differential (the score for the games of that match will be 11-9, 11-9, 11-9 in favor of the randomly selected team).

Please read the health and safety warnings that were provided with your VR headset (https://www.meta.com/legal/quest/health-and-safety-warnings/) before using the Pickleball One game. Because you may be encouraged to perform intense actions with your controllers also make sure to review your surroundings and clear any obstacles in your play area before starting the game. Always remember to stay in the center of the cleared play area and do not walk around.

Playing Playin Pickleball requires physical activity so follow the same precautions you take before doing a workout. Don’t forget to stretch before playing and rest regularly between sessions of play. Some people may experience muscle soreness or dizziness. If you experience these stop playing the game and rest.

  • Q: I’m a singles player looking for a doubles partner – how do I sign up?
      • A: Consult our Seeking Players list of other folks looking for a doubles partner and reach out to them on the Pickleball One Discord server. If there are none available, fill out this quick form to add yourself to a publicly browsable list. (don’t worry, we won’t include your email address in the public list).

  • Q: Do I need a Discord account to participate in this tournament?
      • A: Yes, this tournament uses the Pickleball One Discord server as the primary communication channel between players and organizers.

  • Q: Can I play on multiple teams?
      • A: No, this is not allowed. You may not play on more than one team, including if you own multiple separate accounts.

  • Q: I have registered, but the date that was selected doesn’t work for me and/or my partner OR something came up and I can’t play some or all of my games. Can I substitute myself or my partner for someone else?
      • A: Substitutions can only take place up to two hours before the start of the tournament. Failure to report to your match will result in a forfeit.

  • Q: What happens if the host doesn’t show up and we can’t start the match?
      • A: If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has passed, the host’s team will forfeit the match with a minimal point differential (the score for the games of that match will be 11-9, 11-9, 11-9 in favor of the non-host team). Report this situation to the Discord match thread.

  • Q: What happens if a player drops out of the match due to unforeseen circumstances, like a headset issue, internet connectivity issue, etc.
      • A: Stop playing immediately. A bot will substitute for the disconnected non-host player. If the bot is currently serving, the bot’s teammate must lose the serve in order to stop play. Wait for five minutes for the disconnected player to reconnect and continue play. If the disconnected player does not return, the host must take a screenshot of the scoreboard Report the score and screenshot to the Discord match thread. If the host is the one to disconnect, all players will be returned to lobby. If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has not passed yet, the host will reform the room and start again. If the Match Start Check-In Deadline has passed, the host’s team will forfeit the match with a minimal point differential (the score for the games of that match will be 11-9, 11-9, 11-9 in favor of the non-offending team). Report this situation to the Discord match thread.

  • Q: Since this is a Round Robin tournament (everyone plays everyone else) how are ties decided if two or more teams get the same number of wins and losses?
      • A: In the event that two or more teams have the same number of Wins and Losses, a tie break will be decided by total point differential.

  • Q: Why are game defaults due to missed matches or connection issues calculated with a “minimal point differential?” What does that mean?
      • A: Since tie-breaks are decided by point differential (difference between points earned and points lost to other teams), we will not over-punish or over-benefit teams that have a connection drop or a person who cannot show up to play due to unforeseen circumstances. This approach addresses those situations as fairly as possible.

  • Q: Ugh! We were winning and the losing team disconnected (“Rage Quit”) so we would not get a larger point differential.
    • A: This is difficult to prove in an online environment. Always take screenshots of your scoreboard in the event of a disconnect and assume the best intentions of other players. Record your match if you are still concerned of this happening.


  • Q: I don’t like the court that the host chose for our match – I want the (insert preferred court) instead!
    • A: We are allowing the host to select which location they wish to play the match. If there is an accessibility requirement and you cannot play in the host’s chosen court, please report this situation to the Discord match thread.

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